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State of knowledge about wellness care towards older adults


Marie Beaulieu, Ph.D., Sherbrooke University




Adriana Herra Duarte, research agent

Roxane Leboeuf, Coordinator of the Chair and research agent

Sarah Pomar-Chiquette, master’s student in social service (UdeS) and research assistant


From the funds of the Chair


October of 2015 to undetermined


Project leader


In Québec, a large number of actors working with older adults have been countering mistreatment towards the latter since about thirty years. While some of them specialise in tracking and follow ups (intervention) of mistreatment situations, other have focused their efforts on raising the awareness of the population on the subject.

During these years of countering mistreatment, many actors have shown a growing interest towards the promotion of wellness care which they see as a more positive approach. This interest is part of a broader movement and shared around the world, where actions aiming for the promotion of wellness care towards older adults are emerging in multiple places on the globe.

Wellness care is an approach described as being complementary to countering mistreatment. It is recognized that both approaches must necessarily be used together to favor the well being of older adults. While wellness care is part of a promotion approach (e.g. promotion of good behaviours, attitudes, actions, etc.), countering mistreatment is an approach from which comes prevention, tracking and intervention actions (follow up of the situations). In 2017, the government of Québec incorporated the wellness care approach to its Government Action Plan to Counter Mistreatment of Older Adults 2017-2022. To this day, wellness care towards older adults remains not well documented in Québec. To favor the good use of the two approaches in conjunction, it is important to first perform a state of knowledge about the promotion of wellness care inspired by the theoretical knowledge and practices developed internationally.


Perform a state of knowledge about wellness care towards older adults.


Perform a systematic and international review of the French and English language scientific literature published between 2012 and 2017.

Analysis of the corpus of literature identified to produce multiple scientific papers summarising the results of the research.


Systematic and international review of the French and English language scientific literature published between 2012 and 2017 about wellness care towards older adults.

  • Review of six French language computerized databases (Erudit, Persée, Pascal et Francis, Cairn, Repère, BDSP) as well as nine English language computerized databases (Abstract in social gerontology, Ageline, CINAHL, ERIC, SocIndex with full text, Social work abstract, PsychINFO, PsycArticles, Medline).
  • In French combination of the keywords wellness care and older adults, as well as their possible grammatical variations. In English, the key word “care”, as well as many possible grammatical variations were added to narrow the results.

Analysis of the corpus of text

  • Thematic analysis: definition, targeted clientele, actions (description, implementation, evaluation), etc.


Since its establishment in 2010, the Chair has done specific work about wellness care even though this theme was not officially part of its research focus. This work has created different knowledge transfer activities, mainly conferences and the publishing of articles. It is only in October of 2015, during the extension of its assignment, that the Chair officially obtain the mandate of documenting wellness care towards older adults.

Between 2015 and the start of 2017, the Chair participated in provincial activities during which the promotion of wellness care featured among the key themes, notably:

  • Consultations on the Government Action Plan to Counter Mistreatment of Older Adults 2017-2022 (May 2016)
  • Forum on the best practices in CHSLD (November 2016)
  • Symposium for the wellness of seniors (Mars 2017)
  • Forum of the Government Action Plan to Counter Mistreatment of Older Adults 2017-2022’s partners. (June 2015)

During the spring of 2017, the Chair has made a systematic and international review of the literature on the theme of wellness care towards older adults. This review was made by Sarah Pomar-Chiquette, a master’s student in social service. She chose to write this essay under the direction of Marie Beaulieu on the theme of wellness care. In progress since the spring of 2017, her work results from this project on the state of knowledge on wellness care towards older adults. Through her essay, she will analyse a part of the vast corpus of text identified, since the field of wellness care is very broad. Indeed, by combining the key words wellness care and older adults (and their grammatical variations), 259 French language writings were identified. In English, the concept of care was added to the combination of key words, because the first combination leaded to too much data. With this triple combination, 69 English language works were identified.

As part of her essay, Sarah will notably analyse the French language and English language scientific articles explicitly about wellness care towards older adults (keywords presents in the title or in the abstract of the article).  The text’s analysis is in progress. The selected references for the documentary analysis were added to the international scientific watch.

During the summer of 2017, partners informed us that Spanish speaking countries of Latin America had put in place many actions on the subject of the promotion of wellness care. In the autumn of 2017, Adriana Herrera Duarte did the analysis of these documents’ content.

During the winter semester of 2019, Sarah Pomar-Chiquette has submitted her master’s essay titled Bientraitance des aînés: nouveau paradigme à conjuguer à la lutte contre la maltraitance to the Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines of the Sherbrooke University.


Conferences by invitation

Beaulieu, M., Leboeuf, R. & Pelletier, C. (15 mars 2017). La promotion de la bientraitance: une approche globale qui se conjugue avec la lutte contre la maltraitance. Colloque pour le mieux-être des aînés. Laval, Québec (Canada).

Beaulieu, M., Pelletier, C.  & Leboeuf, R. (24 novembre 2016). La bientraitance – Plus que l’envers de la maltraitance! Rencontre des partenaires de la lutte contre la maltraitance dans la région de Lanaudière. Saint-Liguori, Québec (Canada).

Pelletier, C., Leboeuf, R. & Beaulieu, M. (18 novembre 2016). La bientraitance : approche, connaissances et pratiques. Forum sur les meilleures pratiques en CHSLD. Montréal, Québec (Canada).

Beaulieu, M. (17 juin 2015). Lutter contre la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées et promouvoir la bientraitance : qu’est-ce que la recherche nous indique?  Forum des partenaires du Plan d’action gouvernemental pour contrer la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées. Québec (Québec).

Beaulieu, M. (10 octobre 2013). Promouvoir la bientraitance ou contrer la maltraitance? Quand l’un embrasse nettement plus large que l’autre! Rencontre semestrielle des coordonnateurs régionaux au plan d’action pour contrer la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées. Laval (Québec).

Beaulieu, M., Buzit-Beaulieu, L., Cantin, M. & Lavoie, N. (1er octobre 2013). La bientraitance envers les aînés. Journée de sensibilisation pour les agents sociocommunautaires du SPVM. Montréal (Québec).

Scientific conferences with arbitration

Beaulieu, M. (14 mai 2015). Lutter contre la maltraitance et promouvoir la bientraitance jusqu’au bout de la vie. Colloque annuel du Réseau des soins palliatifs du Québec. Rivière-du-Loup, Québec (Canada).

Bédard, M.-E., Beaulieu, M. & Gagnon, E. (8 au 10 octobre 2013). Défense des droits des aînés, maltraitance, bientraitance et comités des usagers: une schématisation conceptuelle. 33es Journées annuelles de la Société Française de Gériatrie et Gérontologie. Paris (France).


Scientific articles


Belzile, L., Etheridge, F., Couturier, Y., Beaulieu, M., Aubry, F. & Boudjémaa, M. (2011). Penser l’hébergement de longue durée comme un milieu de vie. Une condition de la bientraitance institutionnelle. Forum. Revue de la recherche en travail social, 134, 32-39.


Beaulieu, M. & Crevier, M. (2010). Contrer la maltraitance et promouvoir la bientraitance des personnes aînées. Regard analytique sur les politiques publiques au Québec. Gérontologie et Société, 133, 69-87.

Book chapters


Beaulieu, M., Bédard, M.-E. & Blain, P. (2015). La lutte contre la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées au Québec. Bilan et prospectives sous une approche de défense des droits. Dans Schmitt, M. (Ed.). Bientraitance et qualité de vie – Tome 2 Outils et retours d’expériences. Paris: Elsevier Masson. pp. 87-104.

Research reports or reports made by the government


Beaulieu, M., Lebœuf, R., Calvé, J. avec la collaboration des membres de la Chaire de recherche sur la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées (juin 2016). Plan d’action gouvernemental pour contrer la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées 2017-2022. Mémoire présenté par la Chaire de recherche sur la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées. Sherbrooke : Chaire de recherche sur la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées. 25 p.


Master’s essay

Pomar-Chiquette, S. (2019). Bientraitance des aînés : nouveau paradigme à conjuguer à la lutte contre la maltraitance (Essai de maîtrise). Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines, École de travail social, Université de Sherbrooke, 121p.