Written productions

Falardeau, M-C., Beaulieu, M., Carbonneau, H., & Levasseur, M. (2022). Resident-to-resident aggression in private seniors’ residences. Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry. Advanced online publication. https://doi.org/10.1024/1662-9647/a000296

Themes: Revised and published scientific articles

Mikton, C., Campo-Tena, L., Yon, Y., Beaulieu, M., and Shawar, Y. (2022). Factors shaping the global political priority of addressing elder abuse: a qualitative policy analysis. The Lancet Healthy Longevity. Advanced online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2666-7568(22)00143-X

Themes: Revised and published scientific articles

Cismaru-Inescu, A., Hahaut, B., Adam, S., Nobels, A., Beaulieu, M., Vandeviver, C., Keygnaert, I., & Nisen, L. (2022). Sexual Activity and Physical Tenderness in Older Adults: Prevalence and Associated Characteristics From a Belgian Study. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, S1743-6095(22)00549-5. Advance online publication.

Themes: Revised and published scientific articles

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