Oral presentations

Beaulieu, M. (17 février 2012). Maltraitance envers les personnes aînées : quel chemin avons-nous parcouru depuis les années 1980? Comment aider? Défis et dilemmes de l’intervention en contexte de maltraitance envers les aînés. Colloque organisé par la Ligne Aide Abus Aînés et le CRÉGÈS du CSSS-Cavendish. Montréal, Québec (Canada).

Themes: Oral presentation as a guest speaker

Beaulieu, M., & Bergeron-Patenaude, J. (October 20th, 2012). The Facts on Elder Abuse Quiz. A validated sensitization tool. 41st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

Beaulieu, M., Lévesque. J., & Vézina, J. (October 20th, 2012). The Québec version of the Facts on Aging Quiz. 41st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

Bédard, M.-E., & Beaulieu, M. (October 19th, 2012). La défense des droits des ainés : une recension systématique critique. 41st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

Belzile, L., Beaulieu, M., & Laforest, J. (October 20th, 2012). Elder abuse detection: what about the use of validated tools? 41st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

Bigonnesse, C., Garon, S., & Beaulieu, M. (October 19th, 2012). Meaning of home in later life as a concept to understand older adult’s housing needs: Results from 7 Age-Friendly Cities pilot-project in Quebec. 41st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

Paris, M., Garon, S., & Beaulieu, M. (October 19th, 2012). Social recognition of aging and old age through a participatory action-research program: the case of Age-Friendly City in Quebec. 41st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

Paris, M., Garon, S., Beaulieu, M., Veil, A., & Bigonnesse, C. (October 20th, 2012). Age-Friendly City in Quebec (Canada): Program design and implementation evaluation results. 41st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

Gutman, G., Beaulieu, M., Busby, F., & Berg, N. (May 31th, 2012). Mistreatment of older adults: an international overview of social policies in force and their effect 10 years after the adoption of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing. IFA 11th Global Conference on Ageing. Prague (Check Republic).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

Neesham-Grenon, F., & Beaulieu, M. (13 mai 2012). Les défis de l’intervention sociale auprès d’aînés en situation d’autonégligence. 80e congrès annuel de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS). Montréal, Québec (Canada).

Themes: Scientific conferences with arbitration

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