Towards a Convention on the Human Rights of Older PersonsWebinar - Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
Mistreatment towards older adults : from to research to the practice guides (Available in French only)Webinar - Canadian Association on Gerontology
Gerontología: una visión internacional (Available in Spanish only)Webinar - Spanish Society of Geriatric and Gerontology
Mistreatment of Older Persons in Time of COVID-19: Lessons from the First WaveWebinar - Geriatric and Gerontology society of Spain
Consensus process on mistreatment in France (Available in French only)Webinar - Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults
Older adults who do not support the measures imposed government because of COVID-19 (Available in French only)Radio-Canada
Mistreatment towards older adults : The practices of the health and community services workers (Available in French only)Canadian Center for Elder Law