Financial mistreatment of older adults, or when relatives get richer (Radio-Canada) (Available in French only)Radio-Canada
Comments on the number of mistreatment situations between residents in accommodation environments that was disclosed (Radio-Canada, Saskatchewan) (Available in French only)Radio-Canada
Comments on the number of mistreatment situations between residents in accommodation environments that was disclosed (Radio-Canada, Manitoba) (Available in French only)Radio-Canada
Launch of a guide on mistreatment and in intimidation of older adults (Available in French only)107,7 Estrie
A guide to counter mistreatment of older adults (Maximising the awareness activities about mistreatment and intimidation towards older adults) (Available in French only)Radio-Canada
The Research Center on Aging of the CIUSSS of Estrie – CHUS recognized by the United Nations (Available in French only)Radio-Canada