
Couture, M., Gauthier-Mongeon, J., Simamonika, P., Bernard, R., St-Martin, K., Lacasse, R. & Israel, S. (2024). Practices Used in Health and Social Services for the Management of Mistreatment Situations towards Adults in a Context of Gender and Sexual Diversity : A Scoping Review. OBM Geriatrics, 8(3): 282; doi:10.21926/obm.geriatr.2403282.

Themes: Revised and published scientific articles and written productions

Couture, M., St-Martin, K., & Israel, S. (2023). Reconnaître la maltraitance et comprendre les rôles des psychologues dans l’accompagnement et la protection des personnes aînées. Cahier du savoir, 4, p.55.

Themes: Revised and published scientific articles

Couture, M., Israël, S., Soulières, M. & Sasseville M. (2016). Implementing a Systematic Screening Procedure for Older Adult Mistreatment Within Individual Clinical Supervision: Is It Feasible?” Journal of Interpersonnal Violence.

Couture, M. & Desneiges, B. (1987). Programme d’intervention en institution : violence aux personnes âgées.