Lussier-Therrien, M., & Beaulieu, M. (2016). Cyberbullying and Seniors. Encr’âge, 18, 2.
Themes: Articles in professional or cultural journals without scientific reading panel and written productions
Lussier-Therrien, M., & Beaulieu, M. (2016). Cyberbullying and Seniors. Encr’âge, 18, 2.
Themes: Articles in professional or cultural journals without scientific reading panel and written productions
Beaulieu, M. (2016). « Se moquer des vieux, c’est détruire la maison où on logera ce soir » Proverbe chinois. Reflets. 32(4), 14.
Themes: Articles in professional or cultural journals without scientific reading panel and written productions
Lussier-Therrien, M., & Beaulieu, M. (2016). Le dialogue intergénérationnel : une avenue prometteuse de lutte contre l’intimidation. Vivre en santé. 1(3), 18-20.
Themes: Articles in professional or cultural journals without scientific reading panel and written productions
Lussier-Therrien, M. & Beaulieu, M. (2016). La cyberintimidation chez les personnes aînées (Cyberbullying and seniors). Encrâge, 18, 2.
Themes: Articles in professional or cultural journals without scientific reading panel and written productions
Themes: Chapters of a book or of a collective work and written productions
Garon, S., Paris, M., Laliberté, A., Veil, A., & Beaulieu, M. (2016). Age-friendly city in Quebec (Canada), or « Alone it goes faster, together it goes further ». In Caro, F. & Fitzgerald, K. (Ed.). International Perspectives on Age-Friendly Cities. New York. Routledge – Taylor and Francis. pp. 119-133.
Themes: Chapters of a book or of a collective work and written productions
Lenoir, A., Beaulieu, M., Couturier, Y., & Siméon, F. (2016). La reconnaissance à l’école : Perspectives internationales. Québec. Presses de l’Université Laval. pp. 189-220.
Themes: Chapters of a book or of a collective work and written productions
Themes: Essays, Master's theses and Theses and written productions