Themes: Chapters of a book or of a collective work and written productions
Themes: Chapters of a book or of a collective work and written productions
Themes: Chapters of a book or of a collective work and written productions
Beaulieu, M. (2013). Avant-propos. Dans Gouvernement du Québec. (Ed). Guide de référence pour contrer la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées. Partenaires multisectoriels. Québec : Gouvernement du Québec. 441 p.
Themes: Forewords and written productions
Themes: Forewords and written productions
Themes: Revised and published scientific articles and written productions
Themes: Editorials and written productions
Themes: Articles in professional or cultural journals without scientific reading panel and written productions
Themes: Articles in professional or cultural journals without scientific reading panel and written productions
Themes: Revised and published scientific articles and written productions