
Beaulieu, M. (October 3th, 2011). In Hand, an ethical making decision tool. Annual meeting from the Alberta Elder Abuse Response Network. Edmonton (Canada).

Garon. S, Beaulieu, M., & Paris, M. (September 29th, 2011). Age Friendly Communities in Québec: An overview of the implementation and the evaluation. First International Conference on Age Friendly Cities. Dublin (Irlande).

Beaulieu, M. (Septembre 20th, 2011). Responding to elder abuse. International perspective. Canadian Perspectives. Stemming the tide of adult abuse. National Perspectives. Buffalo (États-Unis).

Paris, M., Garon, S., & Beaulieu, M. (22-23 juin 2011). Participation sociale et reconnaissance des aînés. Séminaire Franco-Québécois. Engagement social des aînés à la vie collective : Des savoirs à l’action. Nimes (France).

Bigonnesse, C., Beaulieu, M., & Garon, S. (10 mai 2011). L’importance d’une approche participative dans le développement de nouvelles formules d’habitation destinées aux aînés au Québec. Colloque « La pratique réflexive en soutien ou en tension avec le référentiel de compétences ». 79e Congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS). Sherbrooke (Québec).

Arcand, M., Beaulieu, M., Hertogh, CMPM., & van der Steen, J.T. (April 14-16th, 2011). Acceptability of a family booklet on Comfort Care in Advanced Dementia. 31st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Geriatrics Society. Vancouver (British Columbia).

Beaulieu, M. (16 avril 2011). Discutante lors du symposium “Critical gerontology meets la gérontologie critique: comparing perspectives in the search for new directions”. 8th IAGG European Congress. « Healthy and active ageing for all Europeans ». Bologna (Italy).

Couturier, Y., & Beaulieu, M. (November 19-21st, 2011). Does circumdisciplinary require the copresence of the actors? The case of competency determination in elderly persons with disability. 3rd Biennial Interprofessional Educational Conference. Collaborating Across Borders III (CAB III). Interprofessional collaboration: from concept to preparation to practice. Tucson (Arizona, USA).

Brunet, C., & Beaulieu, M. (23 octobre 2011). Une programmation d’implantation du guide de pratique En Mains afin de favoriser son appropriation et utilisation. 40th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the CAG / Pan-American Congress of the IAGG. Ottawa (Canada).

Beaulieu, M. (22 octobre 2011). Mistreatment of older adults in the Americas: What are the research directions? In the “Emerging national/regional strategies for preventing and addressing abuse and neglect in later life” symposium. 40th Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the CAG / Pan-American Congress of the IAGG. Ottawa (Canada).

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