In 2010, The Research Chair on Mistreatment of Older Adults was created as one of the foundational elements of the first Government Action Plan to Counter Mistreatment of Older Adults (Plan d’action gouvernemental pour contrer la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées). Its initial mandate was to ‘expand the knowledge of researchers and practitioners in the fields of prevention, detection, and intervention by developing theoretical and empirical knowledge concerning the vulnerability and risk factors of mistreatment, as well as the consequences for those who experience it.’ Renewed in 2017 with the second Government Action Plan to Counter Mistreatment of Older Adults, the Chair saw its mandate expanded to include the concept of wellness care.
The Chair has led over 50 research projects. Some were the beneficiaries of grants from recognized provincial, national, and international funding agencies; others were funded from the annual financial support received from the Government of Quebec. It is equally important to acknowledge the intellectual support provided by university students, in the second and third cycles of their studies (postgraduate), to the corpus of knowledge produced by the Chair since its creation.
The current Chair‘s programing (2022-2027), under the new Chairholder, Mélanie Couture, aims for the co-construction and the integration of clinical and organisational innovations to prevent and manage mistreatment situations as well as promoting wellness care. The programing aims particularly at the following contexts:
- caregiving,
- collective living environments,
- assistive technology to promote aging in place
To learn more about the Research Chair‘s work we invite you to consult the “Research” on the website.
The Research Chair‘s team wishes you a good time exploring its website.