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Marika Lussier-Therrien


Master’s degree in Social Work, alternating study/internship (2016), University of Sherbrooke.

Master’s degree in Applied Political Science with a specialization in International Relations and Public Policy (2012), University of Sherbrooke.

Bachelor’s degree in Applied Political Science with specialization in International Relations (2009), University of Sherbrooke.




Older Adult Cyber-Bullying: State of Knowledge and Exploring Future Actions.


Research Chair Fellowship on Mistreatment of Older Adults, supporting the drafting of the master’s essay (2016) : $ 2500


Master’s degree carried out from fall 2013 to fall 2016.

Master’s thesis written in 2016.


For some years now, newspapers and TV news have reported several cases of cyber-bullying involving teenagers. Many of them mentioned that they received e-mails containing hateful messages, were mocked or rumours about them circulating in social media. However, consequences are devastating and cyber-bullying can lead to stress, fear and low self-esteem. Despite the fact that cyber-bullying among teenagers receives extensive media coverage, the fact remains that the one experienced by adults and older adults is not well-documented. Still, older adults represent the age group showing the highest growth regarding the use of information and communication technology (ICT). Some data even showed that older adults have represented the age group with the highest Internet use over the last few years. Older adults were also the age group who devoted most of their time to it.  Considering that the ITC use, the adoption of risky practices on social media, time spent on ITCs and that previous victimization represent risk and vulnerability factors of cyber-bullying, we should ask ourselves why this phenomenon is emerging among older adults.


Document the Older adult cyber-bullying phenomenon.


Based on a measure identified in the Concerted Action Plan to Prevent and Counter Cyber-Bullying 2015-2018 and which is the responsibility of the Research Chair on Mistreatment, this essay aims at assessing the state of current knowledge regarding cyber-bullying and providing updates on a few practices to counter this phenomenon.


For this essay, we fostered the documentary analysis to assess the state of knowledge. We therefore gave priority to three documentary sources: 1) the 65 briefs submitted after the Anti-Bullying Forum; 2) data banks with English and French-speaking scientific content; 3) and literature from governmental sources and agencies. The triangulation of these three sources allowed us to get a fair picture of the cyber-bullying phenomenon.

Furthermore, in order to enhance our reflection on the areas of intervention, strategies, ways and means of action to counter cyber-bullying in the cyberspace, as well as the awareness practices to counter cyber-bullying, we felt it would be a good idea to informally exchange with some representatives of the Committee of National Non-Governmental Partners.


The drafting of her essay on older adult cyber-bullying began in January 2016.

Initial submission to the Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences in April 2016.

Final submission to the Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences in June 2016.


Lussier-Therrien, M. (22 avril 2016). Contrer la cyberintimidation chez les personnes aînées : réflexion sur les stratégies, les moyens et le rôle du travailleur social. Séminaire d’essai présenté dans le cadre du colloque de l’École de travail social 2016 à l’Université de Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, Québec.

Lussier-Therrien, M., Beaulieu, M. & Leboeuf, R. (24 mars 2016). L’intimidation des adolescents et des aînés : mise en dialogue par des activités intergénérationnelles. Association des retraités et retraitées de l’éducation et des autres services publics du Québec. Magog (Québec).

Lussier-Therrien, M. (9 mars 2016). L’intimidation en ligne chez les personnes aînées : état de l’avancement de l’essai. Rencontre d’équipe de la Chaire de recherche sur la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées. Sherbrooke (Québec).

Lussier-Therrien, M., Beaulieu, M. & Leboeuf, R. (9 mars 2016). L’intimidation des adolescents et des aînés : mise en dialogue par des activités intergénérationnelles. Rencontre d’équipe de la Chaire de recherche sur la maltraitance envers les personnes aînées. Sherbrooke (Québec).

Lussier-Therrien, M., Beaulieu, M. & Leboeuf, R. (20 novembre 2015). L’intimidation des jeunes et des aînés : mise en dialogue. Carrefour gérontologique 2015 de l’Association québécoise de gérontologie. Québec (Québec).


Lussier-Therrien, M. (2016). La cyberintimidation envers les personnes aînées : États des connaissances et exploration de pistes d’action (Essai de maîtrise). Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines, École de travail social, Université de Sherbrooke, 107p.